"Die Farben Indiens" 2017 / Calendar 16,5 x 13 in

"The Colours of India", a calendar containing 13 colour photographs from different regions of the Indian Union.

This calendar ist available by print-on-demand and like all my other calendars, it can be ordered as a promotional gift from a number of 25 pieces on. In case you want such a calendar, logo, adress and contact data of your company will be integrated into the layout of the titel page as well as on each of the other pages - if you want. Instead of an index-page at the end, the 14th page, coming as first after the titel, will be a beautifully designed text page with greetings to your customers and friends.

For more information and a detailed offer. please contact me.

To start the slideshow and to see the calendar pages in a bigger size, please click on one of the thumbnails.

Farben Indiens_2017_Titel.jpg Farben Indiens_2017_01.jpg Farben Indiens_2017_02.jpg Farben Indiens_2017_03.jpg
Farben Indiens_2017_04.jpg Farben Indiens_2017_05.jpg Farben Indiens_2017_06.jpg Farben Indiens_2017_07.jpg
Farben Indiens_2017_08.jpg Farben Indiens_2017_09.jpg Farben Indiens_2017_10.jpg Farben Indiens_2017_11.jpg
Farben Indiens_2017_12.jpg